Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bo Bo Doe

I had many dollies and I gave them all names. They were never legitimate names. They were always named according to what they were wearing. Pink Dolly, Blue Dolly, etc. There was one dolly, a very small dolly, that for some reason I had named Bo Bo Doe. That is what I called the  dolly and that is what my mom told me that I had chosen, so I went on calling her that for years. I named this dolly when I was probably 2-years old or less. When I was maybe 19-years old, I came to a realization about this particular dolly that I had named unlike the rest. I concluded that it would not have been my intention to name the dolly Bo Bo Doe, but in fact as a girl of that age I was indeed attempting to say "Baby Doll" which came out sounding like "Bo Bo Doe". After all those years.

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